Coffee09:30–10:30 Red Room
Design Matters10:30–11:00
Coffee break11:00–13:00 Room 8+9
Designing Organisations for Tomorrow, a systemic approach11:00–13:00 Room 6+7
DDD and CQRS with Axon Framework11:00–11:50 Red Room
The Past (1968) and Future of Domain (driven) Design11:00–13:00 Room 10
An Architect's Framework for Navigating Complexity11:00–13:00 Room 5
Playing with Projections (Repeat)11:00–11:50 Blue Room
Event Sourcing, Functionally11:00–11:50
Modelling with Strangers11:00–13:00 Room 2
Domain-Driven Design with Actors12:00–12:50
Modelling with Strangers12:00–12:50 Blue Room
You can’t fight Conway’s law (but you can certainly waste energy trying)12:00–12:50 Red Room
Refactoring to Deeper Insight: Lessons Learned Applying DDD to Large Scale13:00–14:30
Lunch14:30–16:30 Room 10
Domain Discovery: Business Model Canvas Workshop14:30–16:30 Room 2
Exploring Commonality Variability Analysis in light of Conway's law14:30–16:30 Room 8+9
Domain Models: the Real Deal of Collaboration14:30–15:20
Modelling with Strangers14:30–15:20 Blue Room
Extreme Domain-Driven Design14:30–15:20 Red Room
Transactions Redefined14:30–16:30 Room 5
Fight the Systemic Issues why your Code is Sad15:30–16:20
Modelling with Strangers15:30–16:20 Blue Room
Designing with Capabilities15:30–16:20 Red Room
DDD patterns that were not in the book15:30–16:20 Room 6+7
Lightning Talks16:30–17:00
Coffee break17:00–18:00 Red Room