Registration & Coffee09:30–10:30 Red Room
Consider the Development Feedback Loop10:30–11:00
Coffee break11:00–13:00 Room 5
Micro models! Mind games for DDD enthusiasts11:00–13:00 Room 10
Visual Language11:00–11:50
Modelling with Strangers11:00–13:00 Room 2
Playing with Projections11:00–11:50 Room 6+7
Domain-Driven Organisation Design @ FlixBus11:00–11:50 Red Room
Thermodynamics of Software11:00–13:00 Room 8+9
Computational Logic for the Working Dev11:00–11:50 Blue Room
Let's be open about failure and learn from it12:00–12:50 Red Room
The Language of Actors12:00–12:50 Room 6+7
Lessons learned taking DDD to the runtime12:00–12:50
Modelling with Strangers12:00–12:50 Blue Room
Turn your startup in a stayup with DDD13:00–14:30
Lunch14:30–15:20 Red Room
Predictive Models of Development Teams and the Systems They Build14:30–16:30
Refactoring Legacy Code: From Big Ball of Mud to Domain-Driven Design14:30–16:30 Room 5
Living System Design14:30–16:30 Room 10
Bounded Contexts14:30–16:30 Room 2
How to build a bank14:30–15:20 Room 6+7
Building Actor Model systems using Akka.NET14:30–15:20
Modelling with Strangers14:30–15:20 Blue Room
Aligning Organisational & Technical Boundaries for Team Autonomy15:30–16:20 Room 6+7
Lightning Talks15:30–16:20 Blue Room
Domain Invariants & Property-Based Testing for the Masses15:30–16:20 Red Room
To DDD or not to DDD? What to do if your domain is boring?15:30–16:20
Modelling with Strangers16:30–17:00
Coffee break17:00–18:00 Red Room
If (domain logic) then CQRS, or Saga?18:00–19:00