Jimmy Nilsson

Jimmy Nilsson

Author of “Applying DDD & Patterns”

@jimmynilsson · Sweden


Jimmy Nilsson is a business oriented architect who writes code.

He is CEO and founder of factor10 and he has 25+ years in the business. He has given presentations at for example OOPSLA, GOTO, JAOO, NDC, Oredev, TechEd and is the author of "Applying Domain-Driven Design and Patterns" and ".NET Enterprise Design".


Extreme Domain-Driven Design

After all those years, a bottle neck in software development is still the lack of long-term understanding between developers and domain experts. Domain-Driven Design (DDD) certainly addresses that and at the core of DDD is the focus on reaching deep and shared understanding to together coming up with a better solution than ever before.

That can be taken to a new level with using business centric languages for describing the solution domain. The benefits are huge! One way of describing this is: some requirement descriptions = the code that executes = the documentation

The description of the solution domain is then executed by an engine which is created and maintained by the core developers. Most architecture opinions and decisions are taken care of at the engine level. The end result is a very small amount of code, both the engine code and the description of the solution domain.

In this presentation we will describe the key parts of this concept. You will be able to try it out in your own projects afterwards!

Mel Conway

Inventor, Educator, Author of “Conway's Law”

Eric Evans

Author of “Domain-Driven Design”

Rebecca Wirfs-Brock

Responsibility-Driven Design

Udi Dahan

Founder of NServiceBus

Prof. David West

Author of “Object Thinking”

Jimmy Nilsson

Author of “Applying DDD & Patterns”

Weronika Łabaj


Debasish Ghosh

Functional and Algebraic Domain Modeling

Nick Tune

Co-author of “Patterns, Principles and Practices of DDD”

Greg Young

Creator of CQRS

Alberto Brandolini

Inventor of “EventStorming”

Felienne Hermans

Author of "Grokking Computational Logic"

Andra Sonea

Solutions Architect, Financial Services

Ken Power

Complexity Navigator

Jérémie Chassaing

Software Gardener

Scott Wlaschin

Creator of fsharpforfunandprofit.com

Avraham Poupko

Technical leader

Edwin van Wijk

Software Architect

Romeu Moura

Reasoned Schemer

Marijn Huizendveld

Nerd in a suit

Stijn Volders


Robert Smallshire

Modeller of domains, systems and processes

Mathias Verraes

Student of Systems

Michel Grootjans


Yves Lorphelin

Loves Chaos & Failures

Arnaud Bailly

Event Sourcing, Functionally

Paul Rayner

Leading DDD and BDD practitioner

Nicole Rauch

Software Developer and Development Coach

Thomas Ploch

Infinite State Machine

Cyrille Martraire

Deliberate Designer

Thomas Coopman


Yves Reynhout

The Journeylist

Oana Juncu

Agile Business DJ

Allard Buijze

Pragmatic modeller, creator of AxonFramework

Vaughn Vernon

Author, consultant, trainer


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